My Chula

Chulalongkorn University is a mythical place for young Thai students who aspire to come here. What is it to actual students, past and present? Please share your story.

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1 Response to My Chula

  1. Athetraveler says:

    So you step off a pink electric bus, walk around a mildly shabby building, and enter a co-working space, which is stylishly decorated in modern fashion. You plan that this evening you will take a look at the sport complex. You heard they have badminton courts, and swimming pool, and many other things. This could be the greatest university in Thailand, you think, still not over the hype of seeing hundreds of your favorite books in the central library. After a long while, you look at your phone and realize that you should be heading for the next class now. You stand up. The brown belt slipped out of your waist again. Stupid uniform, you grumble, probably for the third time today.
    You walk into another shabby-ish building, jump onto the step to use the elevator at the second floor. Its door almost snaps you. You whisper some oaths to yourself and pay no more mind to it. When you into the class, your professor is complaining about the broken projector. The screen might be a little bit yellow today, sorry about that, she says. It’s alright, we can still see it, students in the class reply in unison. Everyone seems to be getting used to it by now. Minor inconveniences.
    People are talking about many things in Chula on the internet, like how the mixed-use building projects are destroying the local community, how students are being unjustly punished for their political activities, or how that insane old lady of a professor seems to be staying in her position for forever. But you’ve never enroll in that professor’s class. You’re rather fine, just experience minor inconveniences.

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